Friday, 11 March 2016

Spring Fair fundraising

Despite the dreadful weather on the day, the school made over £1000 for Friends of Townsend(PTA) funds!

The money raised goes a long way to fund further educational projects in school which we would not otherwise be able to afford.

Many thanks to all Parent/Carers who helped in a variety of ways, including helping to organise, setting up on the Friday, running stalls on the Saturday and clearing up afterwards.


There are now 5 great Easter Egg / Chocolate Hampers / Surprise Chocolate Boxes to be won as part of the Easter Egg raffle!

Tickets are still available from reception at £1 each or £5 a book.

The draw will take place on Wednesday 23rd of March, make sure you get your tickets before then to be in with a chance of winning a great chocolatey prize!


We are currently collecting clothes, shoes, belt and bags to raise money for charities.
PLEASE Don't hand in any bed linen, curtains or towels - unfortunately these aren't accepted by the companies!

Please bring in or send in via your son/daughter (in smaller bags) any of your items. We can then put in the companies bags to be collected early next term. Thank you


If you have any fundraising ideas or can help financially in anyway, please make contact by writing and sending in to reception FAO Ian Graham, Friends of Townsend. If you wish to come along and attend our committee meetings you are most welcome. Dates will be published on Parentmail soon.