Monday, 23 November 2015

Anti Bullying week all week

This week was National Anti Bullying week and to celebrate, Miss Scott, our Anti Bullying co-ordinator, arranged a scheme of activities to take place throughout the week.

Years 7, 8 and 9 were treated to a talk by Luther Blissett from the charity "Show Racism the Red Card" about his own experiences of racism and how we should help others who are being bullied or mistreated.  Luther gave some valuable advice for students to help everyone to look out for other people around them.


Year 10, 11, 12 and 13 students were treated to a visit and talk from Mitchell Camp and Georgina Maton, who both won gold medals at the 2013 Special Olympics National Games in Bath.  Mitchell shared that he felt very special when he was standing on the podium and had the medal around his neck.  He added "I wanted to show people just because some people like me have a learning disability, we should be treated the same as normal athletes - we want to show what inspires other athletes to perform like we do now."

The talk was incredibly humbling and inspirational, with a massive round of applause for the two speakers at the end.

Tuesday after school also saw an Anti Bullying bake off with staff vs. students, with the baking brief of anything anti bullying related.  Lots of different things were made, including a colourful rainbow cake!  Everyone who took part thoroughly enjoyed the event!

An Anti bullying festival took place in the Discovery Centre, with lots of designing activities taking place, as well as performances from students too!  Staff and students turned up to celebrate and see the wonderful work created.

Thursday brought an after school film screening of the film "Pride" for years 10,11,12 and 13, which explores the struggle of different social groups in UK history.  This is also a true story as well.  The film was shown to support Townsend's work to tackle the use of derogatory language in society.

National Smile and compliments day - to celebrate, students and staff completed compliments cards which were handed back to the recipient whose name was on the card.  This helped to increase the positive feeling across school that the whole week has created.

A big thank you to Miss Scott who organised the very successful week!

 Students have heard about all aspects of anti- bullying work and we hope that the understanding of this will help them to lead their lives with tolerance, empathy and respect. Our Anti- Bullying work is not simply about one week of the year it needs to be embedded in everyday practice in and out of school. The school has two ‘Worry Boxes’ that students can use to pass on/report any concerns or worries one is in reception and the other is in the Discovery Centre. Anti-Bullying Ambassadors will check the boxes regularly and then meet with the students to offer support and strategies. A teacher will oversee the process and support the work of the student Anti Bullying Ambassadors. Students may also talk directly to any adult in school if they are worried about anything.