Eleanor and Natasja (Year 11) have recently participated in the First World War Centenary project sponsored by the government. The aim was to visit battlefields, museums and various sites to reflect and commemorate the centenary of the Battle of the Somme. In addition to the visit, the students also had to share their experience with at least 220 people.
They led the SLT assemblies this week, submitted an article with the local newspaper, visited Margaret Wix primary school to deliver their presentation and Wednesday morning they did a live interview with Phil Richards, one of the founding directors, on Radio Verulam. You can hear the interview here: http://listenagain.radioverulam.com/station/archives/10 and press play on Wednesday 10 am.
Students will have their work published on the First World War centenary website along with certificates and badges for their participation.
Thank you, Mrs Bailey (Head of History)
Radio Verulam
Presenting at Margaret Wix
(The students at Margaret Wix really enjoyed the presentation, with lots of questions asked at the end. The teachers also said it was really informative and they learnt new things too!)