Friday 27 June 2014

Final day of National schools sports week

For the final day of National Schools Sports week celebrations, the PE department hosted a game of mini golf, at lunchtime opening out an exclusive inland Links course on the field.  During the afternoon, as part of their Sports Leaders award, Year 10 students carried out a Sports Festival.  Students from local primary school Margaret Wix were invited in to Townsend, where they carried out a carousel of sports activities devised by the Year 10 students themselves.  The primary students were split into small groups, each working their way round each of the activities.  A lot of fun was had, as well as practical advice and skills provided from the Year 10 Townsend sports leaders.  Well done all who took part!

Here is Mr Armitage showing off his golf skills (thank you Mr Turkentine for supplying the photo!)  Photos of the Sports festival just below!